Comprehensive Dental Emergency Evaluation and Treatment

We offer a broad range of dental services, from dental trauma care, to fillings, crowns, root canals, extractions and implants. We have been providing emergency dental care in the North Bay for over 15 years.

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Dental Emergency Self Help

Decayed Teeth/Infections

If you have had a tooth that has had decay for a while, but now you are having pain, it is very likely that the infection has spread to the nerve chamber, and maybe into the bone. An evaluation including and x-ray is necessary to determine the extent of the damage and whether or not the tooth can be saved.

Home remedy: If you can't see a dentist right away, topical anesthetic like Orajel might help temporarily. If your doctor has cleared you to take over the counter medicine, you can try an anti-inflammatory like Ibuprofen/Motrin/Advil/Aleve/Naproxen, which work better than Tylenol/Acetaminophen. Do not put off seeing the dentist, as some of the teeth can be saved if damage is not beyond repair.

Chipped or cracked teeth

If you broke part or all of your tooth off, it is important that you try to keep the area clean. Rinse your mouth right away to cleanse any food particles. You can use clean water or mouthwash. Save any pieces you can and call our office right away. If the fracture involves an exposed nerve it is imperative that you keep it clean.

Home remedy: if you can not get in to see someone right away, over-the-counter products like temporary cements might help to seal off the tooth until you can get in to see us. Make sure to get the tooth really dry before you try to apply it. Remember this is only a temporary solution. Please see a dental professional right away.

Avulsions (tooth came out of your gums/bone in one piece)

If your entire tooth including the root has been dislodged from it's socket you must contact us or your dentist right away. Time is of the essence here, as the tooth may be salvageable, but only if you act quickly. Rinse the tooth and place the tooth in a clean baggie with 2-3 tablespoons of milk and bring it in right away. If milk is not available, rinse the tooth thoroughly with plain water and place it in your cheek, being careful not to swallow it. We may be able to re-implant the tooth in the bone, but only if you get it to us on time.

Home remedy: there is not much you can do here unless you do not want to save that tooth, sorry!

Note: If you suffered a traumatic incident that involves more than your teeth, gums or other oral structures, go to the nearest emergency room.